The Common.YOGA/Sensing-Institute creates, opens and holds a space in which the yogic experience of being connected with oneself, with the people and with the earth can unfold effectively to the world outside.
It wants to establish a sense of connectedness that links people in groups and manifests itself in places.
Within each individual there is an essence that is connected to the whole of humanity and all living phenomena of the earth.
The crisis of humanity is the disconnection of the individual from his own creative power, from the potential to connect with his fellow human beings and the natural forces of the Earth.
There is a lack of a common vision to manifest a humane, ecological-economic system.
CC by Otto Scharmer Presensing Institut
About 300 million people worldwide are currently practicing Yoga. In Germany, it is 16% of the population. The number of practitioners is growing every day. Through the practice of yoga, people learn to recognise oneself and one's environment, to attain calm and clarity and to relate emphatically to the world.
Yoga has the potential to develop a collective intention and to overcome the current crisis of separation. The timeless wisdom of yoga, a cultural heritage of humanity, unites the yoga community.
Both individual and collective consciousness are currently developing with leaps and bounds.
By looking at our SELF and taking a step out of the world that overwhelms us with daily new "situations", "facts" and "impressions", we recognize ourselves, our unity and our potential to shape our future together.
Yoga Sutra des Patanjali
Chapter 1
Yoga Sutra des Patanjali
Chapter 2
Yoga Sutra des Patanjali
Chapter 2
Yoga Sutra des Patanjali
Chapter 2
The four levels of human consciousness are encountered in isolated instances as Practitioners of Yoga (micro-level), as Yoga-Teachers with their groups in Yoga-Studios (meso-level), as Yoga-Teacher-Training-Schools (macro-level) and as national and international Yoga-Institutions and Yoga-Associations (mundo-level). Isolated means that even though the perceived practice of connectedness is one of the central anchor points of yoga, yoga practitioners perceive themselves on the different levels only to a very limited extent and practice this connectedness in the world. For this reason, an authentic and lived practice of communal 'oneness' in and for the world is hardly expressed in the external social field.
Practitioners of Yoga
Yoga-Teachers with their groups in Yoga-Studios
national and international Yoga-Institutions and Yoga-Associations
It is not about creating a new yoga style. All individual yoga styles are a welcome enrichment to jointly focus attention on the transformation of collective consciousness (4.0).
The Yoga Sutra of Patanjali can serve here across all cultures and traditions as a common language that unites and explicates the spiritual process of collective awareness.
Yoga was declared an Intangible World Heritage by UNESCO in 2016. This recognizes yoga as an archetype of collective consciousness. Through our connection, we collectively contribute to its free unfolding and materialization in the world. Yoga is suitable to overcome violence and drama and to heal individual and collective trauma, to feel one's own love and energy and to carry it into the world with open hearts, will and hands.
The common place is opened as a virtual YOGA hub. In this hub, regional and supra-regional meetings will take place at regular intervals in order to practice connection and exchange, to become generatively and co-creatively active.
The common goal is to explore the vision of a universal human consciousness and to design structures and learning contents for lived connectedness.
'If you want to change the reality of your life, then practice the reality in which you want to live'.
The collective experience in the YOGA Hub, is carried into many small learning labs. The Yo.Labs are the "learning by doing": the experimental practice of the mindful connection of the human being with himself, with himself and his group and beyond, with himself and the world: ultimately the experience of global connectedness, the collective global connection (the world in us and in all).
Let's go on this journey together and weave with the threads of yoga, the world we want to live in.
Our network in an emerging global civil society.