I in me - we in us - we in the world - the world in us / the world in everything
The 4th circle of reconnection of the individual yogic Itself jumps over into the outside. Back to the world. To very specific places. To be and work in the world in a very specific way.
If the last crisis of the separation of matter and consciousness is overcome, places will change from being objects of use to being subjects of human interaction.
Individual places, Living, working and being spaces are assigned an individual natural identity.
Recognizing and promoting this natural identity moves forward
Center of perception and lived truth
human cooperation.
We are here with you in open discourse. To go deeper with and through you and not only to fathom the great breaks in our time but also to turn them around ...
The starting point is the 1949 UN human rights treaty.
Human dignity and freedom are inviolable. Everyone has the right to freedom, dignity and individual development, access to food and a safe, secure and healthy home for body and soul.
From this the property rights emerged. Both common property and individual property. Finally, human rights should ensure that the above-mentioned rights of the individual, do NOT harm others or take precedence over the common good of all people.
Individual property rights (including financial property law)
were negligently raised above the common good in the last historical epoch and became an existential threat to billions of people.
The consequences are W.excessive exploitation and destruction of global natural resources and thus the foundations of life for all beings.
That is the starting point of our consideration.
The understanding of property rights in terms of land, natural resources and social relationships needs to be reorganized. For the benefit of mankind and nature.
In order to make intact places to live accessible to people, the protection of natural resources, which are the basis for all life, has top priority.
Biodiversity and species diversity are the basis for intact natural spaces. As humane places to live, they should be included in a new understanding of global human and natural rights.
"The underlying crisis is the separation of matter and consciousness."
Or for this consideration here: the separation of places and their spirit.
The reverse is about experiencing the essence that individual places can embody as living spaces without attacking their foundations. Our aim is therefore the renaturation of places and the recultivation of the coexistence of people with and in this area.
Seed places are places for cultivating a specific local awareness.
Through the coordinated and organized effectiveness of individuals, seed locations produce a self-learning and intelligent group interaction.
The way to start the journey:
Where are the fields of structural error analysis and learning from the past? (Inside perspective)
Key points:
Potential for renewal
Prototype of the Commons
A model for self-learning organization
The way of the circles: The Council Circles form the Tree of Circle With Living Circles,
Working circles
Project Circles
in order to gain a core intention of the place (
Center of the being
= Local awareness)
SEED PLACES: Specific / individual self-recognizing, learning, organizing and transforming places for people and nature.
The basis of development are individuation, education, cooperation, value creation and cultivation.
Research and education location (lab)
(Networked with common.yoga of the Be-the-Change Foundation, the Presencing Institute , Reforest projects like Eden ReForest Etc. )
"The logic of capitalism means sharing. Only in it it is not people who share, they are divided. It is therefore problematic to explain commons in capitalist categories. Whoever enters the world of commons encounters a different logic, a different language and different categories .
To "Commons. For a new policy beyond market and state" (2012) in this volume, authors from all continents explore the anthropological foundations of the commons and at the same time present them as concrete utopias. They make it understandable that everything can be or become commons: through processes of shared responsibility, in laboratories for self-organization and through freedom in connection. Commoners realize what is feasible today and will be taken for granted tomorrow. This is shown by over 40 examples from all over the world.
This book expands our sense of possibility for shaping the economy and society.
With contributions by Nigel C. Gibson, Marianne Gronemeyer, Helmut Leitner, Étienne Le Roy, Andreas Weber, Rosa Luxemburg, Anne Salmond and David Sloan Wilson, among others.
In Tojeiro and elsewhere. We want to crystallize the seed locations as a co-creative process in different places and create prototypes of renewal with you.
To do this, we go through the further process of U-Lab 2x, contact Commons and just stay tuned ...
Our network in an emerging global civil society.